Today is Chad's birthday. A day to celebrate him, the life he has had and the effect that he has had on others. He of course has changed my life for forever. Most that know him know he is truly a good person. I couldn't be more blessed and grateful for him. Yes, I do take him for granted most days but today I am not! He is my best friend and I wouldn't be complete without him. So thank you from the bottom of my heart Chad. Thank you for being you and allowing us all to be a part of your life. Thank you for making the decision to come here to this earth. You are stronger than us all and more capable than anyone I have ever known. I love you to pieces. You are the person that I see when I look at our two beautiful children and the voice in my head. You are my all, without you I wouldn't be me. Mahal na mahal kita!!! I wish I could do just with words how I feel about you but I can't so this will have to do for now.