Tennis and our little neighbor Brooke, she is one of his best friends. He loves doing anything with her especially when girls from our ward come over for piano lessons and they all get to play.
Last Wednesday was Tennis's 2nd birthday. He is such an amazing little man. He is so full of love, curiousity, energy and laughs. Of course he has his little quirks too but what 2 year old doesn't. I love him with all my heart and am amazed by him every day. He makes me feel so loved and he makes me a better person. I can't wait to see what kind of man he will become but at the same time I don't want him to grow anymore because I already feel like he is growing to fast. Chad and I love him so much.
For his birthday Chad and I purchased a train set for him. We set it up the night before in the front room. It was hard not to go wake him up at midnight so he could play with it but when he got up in the morning and held my hand as we walked out into the front room his reaction was so priceless. He stopped and said, "Wow, What's that?" then he ran over to it and didn't leave it all day. He was such a lucky little guy to have so many friends and family come to see him that day. He got so many wonderful little gifts. Annie made him a beanie and scarf that are the cutest. He got a barn from papa and grandma Dahl, the coolest carrier for his toy cars and a super fun homemade crayon/sketchbook carrier from papa and grandma Poulson and much more. It was like Christmas for him. But he deserves the best because in my eyes he is.
My best friend and I went to Gardner Village right before Halloween and Tennis just loved it. Well he loved the animal part and mostly everything else until we tried to sit down to eat. Penny of course did wonderfully. Here are some cute pics of Tennis and the animals at the petting zoo there.
Sorry it has taken me so long to put these up. Tennis loved picking and painting his pumpkin. He gets so serious whenever he uses paints or colors. Maybe he'll take after mommy with art. Chad and I carved our pumpkins. Chad did Jack Skeleton and I did Shrek. It was a little different but I think they turned out okay.
Tennis was the cutest little Peter Pan ever. Everyone thought he was Robin Hood. Penny was Tinkerbell. We had a hard time with the wings. But the dress was adorable and so was she. Here are some pics, we had a hard time getting one of Tennis holding still or facing us.
I was on the phone with my brother today talking about what may come. He mentioned something that stuck with me. What would we do if Chad lost his job because of economic downfall? What would we do if the grocery stores had such a high demand for some things, the essentials, that we weren't able to get it? So i pose these questions to you. Something is coming. We have been warned time and time again. It is on our door steps. Are we prepared as families? It is such a scary thing to think about. I really have no idea what we would do if Chad lost his job and or even the ability to put in overtime. What will I do for food for my children when we run out and can't afford to go to the store? Are we prepared, I don't feel comfortable saying yes. So please share with me some ways you have prepared you and yours for the hard times to come. I am looking for ideas and suggestions.
Trent opened his mission call last night. He is called to serve in the Mexico, Hermosillo mission. He goes into the MTC on February 11th. It is pretty close to the northern border. He will be spanish speaking which is so exciting for him. We couldn't be more proud of Trent and happy that he is choosing to serve our lord on a mission. We are going to miss him very much.