Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tennis and Daddy

It has been a long time since I have posted anything.  I have been lazy.  But no more!  So to begin here are some more recent pictures of Tennis, my favorite little man in the world.

Tennis enjoying the mud slide at Jolly's Park
Tennis and daddy in the tent after a long night of playing.  Their first father son campout together.
Tennis enjoying a well earned drink.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


where did april go?

I really don't have much to say, but just wanted to jump in quickly grab a hold of may before I lost it to the great blogger depression too.

But on a lighter note Penelope (if ya can't remember, she's the cute one. no... she's the cutest one ever!) is celebrating her 1st birthday tomorrow. Oh I can't believe she's already a year. 5 bucks to anyone who can figure me out how to pause time. She's just such a cutie and gives me awesome hugs and kisses, i don't ever want that to change.

Love & Kisses to my little girl who's given me an awesome first year of her life!

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