Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Day 3 of the 50 Miler

Well today they starting hiking again. We haven't heard anything from them and most likely won't because they hardly ever get any service up there. We miss Chad terribly. Tennis has noticed he has been gone a lot more than I thought he would. I have tried to teach him that daddy is hiking. I ask him where is daddy and he will sometimes respond "hik'n". This morning he woke up and went into the spare room where the computer is and stood there with his hand on the computer chair saying dada. I came in and found him there and tried to remind him where daddy was and coax him out of the room. But he just stood there and shrugged his shoulders and pointed to the computer. I turned it on and he still wasn't passified. It makes me miss Chad even more when Tennis notices he is gone. We only have until Saturday. Yeah. I hope he isn't dying up there.

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